Open Regular Hours Wednesday and Friday




*Dinner Bell Feeder discontinued


Who is in our Area?


 Hooded Oriole (Adult Male)

 Bullocks Oriole (Adult Male)

Scott's Oriole (Adult Male)



When do they arrive?


  • Orioles overwinter in Central and South America
  • Most Orioles arrive in March or April
  • Some can be seen in the area as early as late January or early February
  • Breeding Orioles return to the same nesting area year after year
  • If you become familiar with your resident orioles patterns you can time their arrivals and departures on a calendar


How can I see and attract them?

  • Many people first encounter Orioles visiting their Hummingbird Feeders trying to access the nectar
  • They are nectar drinkers that will visit plants with long tubular flowers such as Cape Honeysuckle, Orange Jubilee, and Mexican Bird of Paradise
  • You can attract them to your own yard by offering them hummingbird nectar in feeders large enough for them to access
  • They are attracted to the color orange so using orange colored feeders and domes help to get their attention
  • They also eat live insects and fruits such as oranges
  • In addition to nectar entice them to return frequently by offering live mealworms, Birdberry Jelly (Blackberry or Grape Jelly), and orange slices.

What do they eat?

  • Sugar Water (Hummingbird Nectar)
  • Live Insects (mealworms - live is more instinctual and essential for the young)
  • Fruits such as oranges, watermelon, elderberry, grapes, mulberries, and serviceberries
  • Suet such as Bark Butter, Bark Butter bits, and Naturally Nut suet dough 
  • Blackberry or Grape jelly such as Birdberry Jelly


Will they stay?

  • If its the beginning of the season they may be just passing through
  • If they are breeding in your neighborhood they will be in the area until late Summer
  • If its the middle of the season you may see a juvenile who has left the nest and is in search of food


Where do they nest?

  • Hooded Orioles are the most commonly encountered
  • They build woven nests on the underside of palm fronds in tall palm trees
  • On occasion they may nest in trees other than palm trees if there is an abundance of food in the area


What behavior can I possibly see in my yard?

  • Males may display to each other by showcasing their black chins to each other, singing to each other, then chasing each other from feeders and through the yard
  • Both sexes can be seen gathering mouthful of worms to feed their young at the nest
  • Once the young are able to fly, the parents may bring them to the feeder to fed and show them where they may find food 
  • Last years juvenile males may try to breed this year
  • Resident adult orioles tend to visit feeders frequently in the early morning and at dusk before sundown
  • Last years juvenile males are more erratic in their feeder visit timing, sometimes seen in the middle of the day
  • Males are often heard calling atop tall trees in their breeding area
  • Orioles are very shy and flee often (to return again later)
  • They are not territorial at feeders like hummingbirds


What do Females and Juveniles look like?

  • Adult Females are thick bodied with dark bills
  • This years juveniles look like the females but not full bodies, have pink at the base of their bill, and are awkward at the feeder
  • Last years juvenile males will look like the bright adult males with the black throat path but with more toned down, subdued colors
  • Last years juvenile males 


When do they leave?

  •  Adult Males generally leave at Summers end in August
  • Adult Females leave once the last of the seasons young leave the nest
  • The years juvenile Orioles will form into groups once they are able to find food on their own
  • These juvenile groups can stay as as late as September or October
  • Rarely one may overwinter on their breeding grounds

Oriole Feeders

Specialty Food

Mealworm Feeders



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